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Tiba tiba nemu case :
Sixty-eight year old gentleman who is admitted to the hospital with an acute onset
chest discomfort syndrome and associated profound shortness of breath.
The EKG was as shown below.
ST segment elevation!!!
Mesti----> Myocard infract!
Karena pikiran saya masih diselubungi oleh AKB dan AKB... terbersit sebuah kegilaan
Kepikiran BAHWA:
kelanjutan dari case itu adalah...
Based on history taken, the symptom was worsen when He was opened the internet and find out about Sashihara Rino transfer to HKT.
and he was not shcoked by the transfer after all, the reason that he was shocked is because the reason why Sashihara transferred.
teman teman tolong doakan saya agar telinga ini kembali ke stetoskop ya, bukan earphone....:)
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